Ireland’s abortion laws are among the most barbaric in the world – among its many deficits, it forces women to carry unviable fetuses to term, making them labor to deliver babies who live short hours in extreme pain before dying before them.
The ban also provides for 14 year prison sentences for women who import pharmaceuticals used to induce abortion.
An “ad-hoc, non-affiliated group of activists, academics, artists and trade unionists” calling itself Strike4Repeal are set to strike on March 8 – International Women’s Day, also the Day Without a Woman protests in America – if the government doesn’t call for a referendum on the abortion law before then.
The Polish and Irish abortion laws are similarly overbroad, and share a similar origin: conservative Catholic lobbyists, with Church backing, who use the faith’s enormous cash reserves to forge alliances with misogynist elements in the far-right movement to craft these anti-woman policies.