



Trump disbands business councils after 7 CEOs resign

  • Following a wave of high-profile resignation from Trump’s two primary CEO councils, Trump tweeted Wednesday he was dissolving both the American Manufacturing Council and the Strategic and Policy Forum.
  • “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both,” he tweeted. “Thank you all!
  • The dissolution of the two councils deals a major blow to Trump’s mandate as a leader who would use his business acumen to steer the nation toward economic prosperity. Read more (8/16/17 2:05 PM)

Update: CEOs on strategy council reportedly voted to disband before Trump’s tweet

  • Though Trump tweeted that the decision to disband the groups was his, the Wall Street Journal reported that the industry leaders had chosen to disband before the president’s tweet.
  • According to the Journal, Stephen A. Schwarzman, Blackstone Group LP Chief Executive and leader of Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum, call the president on Wednesday to tell him the group was disbanding. Read more (8/16/17 4 PM)

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