Wait…wait a minute, wait a minute, I just realized something!!!
What if she did know?
Think about it, Helen goes in to talk to Edna but Edna has already prepared a series of supersuits that are perfectly designed for every situation she and the kids are going to be in. And for some reason, we’ve all just accepted that, yeah, she’s Edna Mode, she would know these things, she’s just like that.
But what if we’ve all been missing something right in front of us?
We know Edna has affiliations with the government agency and has obviously been making suits for decades. Do you think the government is just going to get a random fashion designer to make these suits? Absolutely not.
They’re going to get a Super.
What if Edna is a Super with the power of future-vision?
That’s how she knows exactly what suit to make, that’s how she knows that the kids are going to be in danger, that’s how she’s so aware of everything going on around her and catches everyone off guard.
She never looks back; she looks forward.
(Sorry for hijacking your post, OP.)
which is why the whole cape thing hit so hard. she didnt see it coming
I love the idea of a Super whose power is to amazingly see into the future and she just uses it for fashion design.
Sorry for hijacking the post, but I saw @marauders4evr’s post and couldn’t help myself.
Edna was a designer, plain and simple. She always was, and always would be. She knew this. To be fair, she knew a lot of things, or…more precisely, she saw a lot of things. At first, Edna didn’t know what to make of the things she saw in her dreams. As a child, she was too young to properly grasp it anyway. She just woke up, drew what she’d seen, and went on with her day. A cute dress for her doll, which she loved and asked her mother to buy the fabric for, a small coat for the neighbor’s dog for after his surgery so he wouldn’t be cold. The ideas just kept coming to her, so Edna never really questioned it…until the first time she saw a Super, or…more specifically, saw a Super, in a dream. A young woman just a little younger then her, spinning around in circles with a wide grin on her lips as the cape behind her fluttered with her movements. A woman who suddenly lit her hands on fire and shot fireballs at a target.
Edna was confused about that dream, but she shrugged, drew it anyway, and continued on with her day, design school wasn’t easy you know, even for the best of the best. Until one day she ran into the woman in her dreams and Edna’s mind went screeching to a halt because said woman, barely out of her teens, was running around in the shoddiest costume ever, shooting fireballs at a villain…and repeatedly catching the arms of her costume on fire. “No no no, this will Not do.” Edna muttered as she watched the poor fashion disaster of a woman. Once the fight was over, Edna stormed over to the Super, hands on her hips. “This simply Will Not Do, Dahling. You may be a fantastic hero, but your sense of fashion is atrocious. Here, here is my card, call me in a month, I’ll have something much better for you.”
And she did. She used a fire proofing formula, the best heavy duty yet light fabrics she could find, and all her years of design school to make the poor dear a proper uniform. One befitting of her station as a hero. The woman, who’s code name turned out to be Spitfire, adored the uniform, twirling in glee and lighting up just like in her dream, and suddenly Edna knew. She was a Super too. But…where exactly did a Super who only saw future fashion fit in? The answer came months later when Spitfire gave her card to a friend, a fellow Super by the name of Humongo, a man who could go from skinny to bulked up and ten feet tall in a few seconds. For him, she made a suit that stretched with him, just as indestructible as Spitfires, and of course…a cape. He was just as pleased, and gave her cards to all of his Super acquaintances, and suddenly Edna had a place in the Super’s world. Her world.
After design school came science and engineering degrees, and Edna Marie ‘E’ Mode was on a role. Her suits became more elaborate, and better suited for the heros who needed them. Her signature though? The cape every hero and heroine wore. Her world, and her empire, would come crashing down around her soon though. Something she hadn’t seen coming at all. She made a commission outfit for a young teen, and it was the beginning of the end. Stratogale was a girl after her own heart. Eager to learn, so full of energy, and so interested in Edna’s work. So when Edna worked on her costume, she made it the best one she’d made to date, and added a cute little hidden hood to the cape in case the teen got caught in the rain on her way home. Wouldn’t do to have a bright young soul getting sick on a school night.
And then the news broke. Stratogale had died, sucked into a jet turbine by her own cape, and something in Edna broke. She could see the future. Granted, only her future clients and their superpowers, but she could see the future! Why…why could she not have seen this coming? For the first time in her life, Edna felt her powers were…useless. Shortly afterwards Supers were banned, and Edna was useless. She fell back on her design degree, working with models in Milan and Paris, but it was so boring. Days became a blur. Get up, draw the latest fashion to be, make it, snap at a few spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves, go to bed, rinse and repeat. So she retired, and the dreams -for the most part- stopped coming.
Stopped coming, until one very special morning. A morning where she bolted out of bed, that old thrill of excitement thrumming in her veins, this time tempered with experience and a hint of wariness, as she drew. Drew out an entire family of suits! That i in the middle of the chests clued her in on who her design was for, an old friend and his family, Mr. Incredible. The Incredibles. She quite liked that name. Yes…she would certainly be coining that. She made sure, even if her dreams never showed one, to keep her old signature far, far away from her designs. No Capes!
Another design came a few days later, one that threw her for a loop. A costume with a cape. She drew that one with dread. Who would she make a cape for, after all the heart ache they had caused? The husband came first, grinning sheepishly like the dolt he was. Friendly…sweet…kind dolt. Her friend. One of the few she had left. The man she’d seen in her dreams came soon after, and the more she watched him stalk around, rant, and threaten her into ‘making’ a suit, the more she realized just why she had dreamed a cape for him. Syndrome was his name, and he was a villain through and through. The one to kill so many of her old friends. The wife came next, and she quickly showed her the entire lot of costumes left, chuckling as the poor woman denied Jack Jack being a Super. Poor dear, she would learn.
When the news reached her that Syndrome had been taken care of, by his cape no less, the age old ache that had taken up residence in her heart eased up ever so slightly. Sighing as she looked out over her sprawling manor from the balcony, drink in hand, Edna raised her glass to the setting sun. “I may not have seen what capes would do to you, my Dahlings…but your sacrifice gave me the tool to finally make a difference. The Super Killer is no more…thanks to a Cape.”