Trump radicalized teachers, now Republicans are saying they won’t vote for the party anymore



The teachers’ rebellion is a global phenomenon, and though it’s been brewing for a long time, the public was a lot more skeptical of teachers’ demands when they were striking in Democratic strongholds under a Democratic president.

But the current wave of strikes is different: the teachers are striking
in “red states” where years of misrule and corporate giveaways have
bankrupted the states, and without a Democrat in office to blame, the
Republicans in those states are starting to realize that the problems
with their kids’ schools are the result of Republican policies.

This phenomenon is especially pronounced among Republican teachers, who’ve watched Education Secretary Betsy Devos smear teachers and denigrate the profession
and the very idea of “public education” and who’ve realized that the
president they voted for has made their destruction one of his top
policy priorities.

Now, teachers aren’t just switching party allegiances; they’re standing
for office to oust the Republican politicians who’ve been trash-talking
them while they walked the picket-line. They call it the #RedForEd