What do you do when you can feel yourself getting bad again?



I reach out to my support network, starting with my wife, and I tell them that I feel like I’m about to go into crisis. Usually, that’s enough to help me stabilize and get through it.

If that doesn’t work right away (and sometimes it doesn’t), I’ll make an appointment to see my therapist or doctor, depending on how the Depression and/or Anxiety are expressing themselves.

If it doesn’t feel like crisis, but it does just feel … bad … I do my best to go through some steps, like a checklist:

Have I taken a shower today?

Have I eaten enough today?

Did I just have coffee today?

When’s the last time I took a walk, even if it’s just up the block?

Have I reminded myself that Depression Lies, and made efforts to make a separation between my mental illness and *me*?

I go through these steps, remind myself that I’ve gotten through the bad times in the past, and then I start doing my best to get to “yes” on those questions. Usually, that helps.

But remember that mental illness isn’t weakness, it’s sickness, and sometimes we can’t get well on our own. THAT IS OKAY! That is when we reach out to a professional who can help us get through it.

I hope this helps you. Please check in with me in a day or two, and let me know how you’re doing, okay? I’ll keep your reply private if you ask me to.