








i will literally give $1000 to anyone who can tell me why trans women are real women without saying “because they said so”

ALL Women ARE Women.

Read the National Geographic special issue on Gender. There’s whole articles on this with the sources and everything included in there but I’ll sum up for you: 

People (by which I mean actual scientists who are qualified to do this) did studies on how people’s brains are formed/shaped. Male and female brains show various slight differences. They are distinguishable. 

Now here’s where it gets interesting. They looked at scans of transgender people’s brains. What do you think they found? 

They found that their brains most closely followed the patterns of the gender that they said they were rather than the gender they were assigned.  

Get that? 

So if a woman was assigned male at birth because she had a penis and they scanned her brain, they found her to have the brain shape expected in a woman. It wasn’t exactly the same but it was clearly much closer to female than to male. 

Once those people started hormone therapy and everything, the brain shape grew even closer to the gender they said they were (the gender that they ARE) until it was pretty much identical. You couldn’t tell the difference except yep, that’s a female brain now regardless of whether she was assigned male at birth. 

It is thought to be this that causes dysphoria in the transgender people who suffer it: since their brain is a female brain (or vice versa) making them female it causes a disconnect between that and what their eyes see when they look at their body. 

So there ya are. Science proves transgender people are the damn gender they say they are. 

Can I have my $1000 dollars now or do you wanna pay it to the National Geographic so they can keep up this education, I don’t mind which?

Give this person their $1000

Pay up

What are their chromosomes though you said their brains patterns aren’t exactly the same but their more close than what they actually are that doesn’t mean that they are the other thing if their chromosomes are x&y then they are not a woman


To this I refer you to a different idea raised in the same National Geographic Article. This post explains it very well.

Since you’re bringing up chromosomes I’m sure you know that we think of XX as female and XY as male. 

Well, it’s possible to be born with XY chromosomes but because your body isn’t reacting in the traditional way to androgens, you present as female at birth. “Male” chromosomes, “female” body + whatever gender they damn well choose. 

It is possible to have an X and a Y chromosome but for your body to be missing the SRY gene and so you present as female at birth. “Male” chromosomes, “female” body + whatever gender they damn well choose. 

Some people may present as male because they have an X and a Y chromosome but also an extra X chromosome. But they may identify as female or even a different gender.

You may present as female because you only have one X chromosome.  But you may identify as male or even a different gender.

Note: I’ve put some of these in quotation marks because a transgender woman’s body is still a woman’s body even if she has not undergone transition and vice versa.

So I say it again since you didn’t hear me the first time: Science proves that transgender people are the damn gender they say they are.

And this shows that so are non-binary people / agender people / demi girls and demi boys and ALL gender identities. Biology dictates who they are and so does their mind. They are who they say they are.

I love how succinct and well thought out this was!! especially that last part since transphobes always try to use the X and Y chromosome argument when they want to defend binary notions of gender – when in reality science itself proves that “biological sex” is more complicated than male/ female and thereby proving that terfs don’t know shit and are just using bad science to defend their shitty views