Cable industry attains the impossible: makes Americans hate it even more



Comcast is America’s perennial most hated company, so it’s hard to imagine how it could get even less popular, but you’ve got to give the company credit: on the way to growing to never-seen size and profitability, it continues to lead its ever-more-unpopular industry in customer dissatisfaction!

It’s hard to reconcile: how could a company so hated continue to grow?
It’s almost as though the firm enjoys some kind of regulatory monopoly
in which it can gouge its customers for an essential of life while its
regulator insists that it owes no duty to the public in exchange for
this extraordinary privilege.

The latest American Customer Satisfaction Index  Telecommunications Report
reveals that Comcast has maintained its lead in shittiness, despite the
sinking tide of public dissatisfaction sending the entire telcoms
sector to a new low, chasing all ISPs to depths of hatred never recorded
in the annals of American commerce.

That said, Comcast has stiff competition from the rest of the telcoms
sector, whom everyone hates – just not with the ferocity that we
reserve for Comcast.