

“Meanwhile, Trumpism’s false promises are being unmasked on many other fronts. Trump was supposed to defy GOP economic orthodoxy by securing a huge infrastructure expenditure; that isn’t happening. Trump did embrace that orthodoxy with his huge tax cuts, however, and those are primarily resulting in stock buybacks, not job-creating investments. (Take that, elites!) Trump’s draconian immigration crackdown is supposedly about protecting U.S. workers from an elite cosmopolitan/globalist plot to import cheap labor, but all it is really producing is the cruelty of more family separations, and those aren’t even deterring border crossings, because many of these people are genuinely fleeing horrors at home. Trumpism is all lies, lies, lies. Trump’s allies want us to see that viral photo as an important moment, one that showcased Trumpism’s finest moment yet in the international arena. But lurking behind that photo is nothing but the deep rot of bad faith and fraudulence at Trumpism’s core. If anything, it captures the ways in which the Quebec disaster ripped the lid off that deep rot for all to see. The very fact that Trump allies are treating this photo as an important statement in Trump’s favor itself illustrates that bad faith and fraudulence perfectly.”

​Trumpism’s false promises, unmasked.