





There’s this little copse of trees in the middle of a field and in the middle of the trees is this broken rock. Is this a fairy thing? Cause I live in Canada. 🤔

@sasskarian @kristsune Opinions? I’m kinda without suggestions on this one

This is a “This huge but-hard-to-see rock will absolutely DESTROY a riding mower, so we’re going to let a bunch of trees grow here so Jimbob doesn’t get himself killed going over it again.”

That said, the initial placement of the rock, given that you’re in calgary, is probably the result of glaciers, But glacial erratics have has long cultural associations with elves, so here’s my theory:

Fair Folk* are ice-age adapted creatures. Specifically, they’re adapted for life in the ebb and flow of glaciers- mirror-like tarn lakes, Glacial Erratic rocks, rocky country full of hardy colonizing trees, the steep slopes of glacial mountain valleys, etc.  Most of the parts of europe that are famous for having Fair Folk is heavily carved up by glaciers- the alps were carved by glaciers, the british isles were all under ice for a while, Iceland with is extant glacier collection etc.

The reason the current timeline has gone to shit is that with global warming, all the fair folk are running out of suitable habitat and are facign a housing crisis/potential genocide and in turn have decided to befucken absolutely everything.

So your copse has a perfectly good human explanation but is also probably also at least slightly cursed.

*Fair Folk being one twig on the extrmely large cryptozoology branch.

** Side note from a chat discussion: ice age gigantism really only applied to animals that couldn’t shelter and had to be outside during winter, like large herbivores and the carnivores that love them.  Since elves are described as fair and delicate, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that they are Burrowing animals, like marmots or toads.

***Secondary side note: Tolkien messed up the hard work of a lot of anicent scandanavian cryptozoologists.

So the thing about this is that it’s a man made field across the street from a school. They could have taken the rock out when they were leveling the field and cutting down the trees and shrubs.

Most Probable Explanation: The rock is, in fact, huge and mostly underground, like a granite iceberg.  The effort of digging it out and moving it would have been more effort than it was worth, so they just let trees grow around it becuase they couldn’t move it and don’t want Jimbob running the mover over it.

Also Possible: The rock is, in fact, magic and therefore left in place.