










if I don’t get bit by a vampire and turn into a gorgeous immortal woman with questionable morality, irresistible charm, and enthralling mystique then what’s the point



Aside from the immortality, isn’t that already you, Joy?

You flatterer you.

You accidentally created a semi-cult (with healthy emotional boundaries, so not really a cult, but still) through social media, with mostly two posts (CNN and the dick vice), in a few months, while violently ill in like eight different ways, and half out of your mind on pain medication. And that was *before* you started writing the wildly popular despite being unpublished polyamorous-multi-paranormal-beings-pun-based-romance-slash-social-satire trilogy on a bet. That’s not flattery. That’s… I don’t have a word for that. Due to my job using the word “reverence” feels wildly inappropriate.

When you put it like that, 2016-2017 seems a lot wilder than I remember it. Although granted, I don’t remember most of it.

I remember having a distinct feeling of “waking up” sometime late last year and going “what do you mean I’ve written a book. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT HAS PRE-ORDERS?!”

And I’ve been attempting to keep up with myself ever since.


If the ????? is for an explanation about my health, it’s a long story involving a complete immune system collapse, two near death misses I can remember (one of them while in hospital) and also discovering I had a major bone infection … basically the full length of my jaw and encroaching up my cheekbone and the rest of my skull. From contaminated dental work. And several years of medical neglect and abuse.

They also found high levels of mercury in one of my old fillings, which were also found in a few other old fillings done by the same person (now under investigation), which were leaking. So those had to be removed asap. My dentist was wearing the equivalent of a hazmat suit.
I had to undergo a lot of surgeries, and still need four more. (And then a lot of reconstruction and rehab).

The CDC also got involved because apparently the bacteria found in my extracted tooth was like, patient zero nonsense. But it may help to unlock some autoimmune stuff for other people so, there’s that.

Basically I was out my skull from pain a lot of the time, and drugged up the rest of it. My memory is … hazy at best. And I’ve never really recovered from the exhaustion this has caused. Not to mention my mental health and other ongoing physical problems which I cannot get a solid diagnosis for.

So you can imagine my surprise after the last of the infection was cleared out, and I was able to start tapering off the antibiotics and all the other drugs, and I clawed my mind back together … and found out I’ve got over 20,000 followers on tumblr (now nearly 30,0000) and I’d written a book that needed editing.

Like, I knew I had some idea of what I was doing, and apparently I held coherent conversations with people, but it’s a bit like a dream. Specifically, you know the dream where you think you woke up and got dressed and went to work? But you were actually just dreaming that you got up and went to work, and you wind up sleeping in late and wake up in a startled panic?

It’s like that. My whole present existence is that feeling.

If the ???? is over the book, a summary page of what I am doing is here:

Wow. I thought I had a rough year…

You very likely did! Good job on making it this far!

Just because the last two years of my life sound like missing scenes from the SAW franchise, doesn’t lessen the struggles of anyone else. Do not demean what you have overcome, or what you will overcome. You are doing great, and I mean that from the bottom of my still-somehow-beating-heart.

I am under no illusions that the only reason I survived was because of the kindness and generosity of others. I honestly do not think I would still be here if it wasn’t for the tumblr fam stepping into the void and pulling me back and making sure I could have the medical care I needed. I am very serious when I say the people on this website saved my life. And I will never be able to stop saying thank you enough. I don’t know what I did to deserve such generosity and kindness, but I can only hope to one day be worthy of it, and pay it forward in return.