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“The most shocking thing about Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear,” is that the appalling no longer shocks. There’s not a member of Congress who does not know the truth of Woodward’s depiction of Trump as out of control and, in a way, out of his mind — downright dangerous. The revelations were of degree, but not of kind. The feeble act of faux heroism on the part of then-adviser Gary Cohn — he swiped documents off Trump’s desk — deserves a mock medal. Where was Cohn’s denunciation of Trump when he left the White House? Where were his harrowing details, anecdotes — anything? Silence. Barack Obama last week took the Republican Party to task. “These are extraordinary times. And they’re dangerous times,” he said at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The GOP is “abdicating” its responsibilities, he added. The former president is a gifted speaker, and this was one of his better speeches. But it was no partisan broadside. It was, instead, a lament, a reluctant commentary on how the GOP has morally collapsed. By now, we have all become inured to Trump and his antics. We know he’s a liar — some 4,713 false or misleading claims since his inauguration, according to The Post’s Fact Checker database. The consequence is that lying has become normalized, like killing in a time of war. Trump has infected much of the Republican Party. The lie has become its First Principle — and there is no second. The GOP is diseased, in the tertiary stage of moral cowardice. It may never recover.”

The GOP has a communicable disease