
“To be clear, women loudly protesting the confirmation of Kavanaugh are not a “mob,” and comparing Trump to thuggish autocrats is simple honesty. Trump seems not to understand that criticism of his policies and rhetoric is not the same as a president demonizing opponents, race-baiting and threatening democratic institutions. In his book, news accounts exposing his corruption, ineptitude and cruelty are on par with his insisting that neo-Nazi marches include some “fine people.” No, Trump’s level of vitriol and overt racism is unmatched by political opponents or past presidents. The president for three years has demonized the Clintons, accusing Hillary of negligent handling of national intelligence (funny that Trump communicates by unprotected cellphone as the Chinese and Russian intelligence listen in) and threatening to jail her. As for Obama, Trump was a prime purveyor of the racist birtherism nonsense, designed to delegitimize Obama and cast him as the “other” — a foreigner, a Muslim.”

Trump is responsible for the descent into thuggery

Remember to vote this November.