Human please I care about you. Will you tell me what else you like?




Ugly animals

Awkward gay characters

People calling me Boss, or Sir

Wine, tequila, very cold vodka

Ceiling fan noises but only sometimes

Cloaks, blankets

Jackets with inside pockets and they’re big

When all the laundry’s done and your very favorite clothes are clean and competing to be worn.


Doing something borderline embarrassing and pulling it off so it’s a power move

The fact sluice is a word

Hurricanes and everyone goes to the basement

Flying dreams.

Drinking water after eating something salty and having to Wait

When you’ve had a craving for a while and you finally get to eat it

People who initially fit a stereotype but that totally changes once you find out more

Basically whenever someone’s personality pleasantly suprise you

Platonic goofball friendships. Friendships where people get each other and bring out the best and interact smoothly and hilariously.

Sheriff of Babylon by Tom King. Read it here:

BAMF characters who happen to be female but that’s just a detail and no one makes it a Thing

Boys looking up in awe to cool female role models

Birkenstocks. But like, cool Birkenstocks. Metallic Birkenstocks. They’re really comfy ok

Remembering great personality details about Harry Potter book characters that didn’t make it into the movies.

Gun holsters but people use them to carry random stuff, like window washing tools, or carrots for horses

Platonic physical affection. Friends messing w/ my hair.

Villains w/ musical numbers

Kids excited about stuff and adults being excited with them

Relaxing but it’s after an unusually long day so it feels extra good

Fingers brushing your skin lightly and you get goosebumps

Watching people care about each other.

Finding a new song and knowing you can play it on a loop for ages and it will be satisfying every time

When there are a lot of people around but the cat/dog chooses me specifically

When a song that was just ok intensifies and suddenly makes you Emotion

When you’re doing a new book/movie/anything and the characters make you feel strong things you haven’t felt in a while

That feeling when a story rushes into your head in incredible detail and just keeps going

Those moments when you’re falling into sleep after being awake for too long.

Getting into that imagination space that you used to do easily as a kid, and you can daydream a story and it’s super real and satisfying

Finding something new that makes you happy.

When groups without much in common support each other anyway. When differences draw people together.

When people let good things happen.

Things that used to make you afraid, but now they excite you

Telling a joke assuming no one will laugh, but they do and it’s genuine.

People who pay attention when you’re talking, and respond to you, and are present

Being tired and calm after being put through the emotional wringer

That feeling of giddiness when you meet someone and it’s Good and sort of wakes you up.

Being excited to hang out with someone.

Those bits of books/shows where there’s not much action just characters and dialogue, and it’s like you’re just hanging out with them, and they become a second family, to the point you genuinely miss them if you go without re-reading/watching for too long.

Wanting something in a way that motivates you.

When certain worries stop worrying you

When you need a hug and you get one.

Being in bad pain but suddenly it ebbs.

That feeling when you discover you’re good at something you assumed would be harder

That feeling when a moment feels profound and you can see it as a scene from a tv drama where a song is playing or about to start

When people are important to each other.

Noticing something new about your personality and liking it. When your self-image changes in a good way. Realizing you like yourself.

When you’re a person with low-key emotions and you go into a rare super happy mood and have to lie down after

Also those rare moods where something’s so funny you literally are unable to stop laughing even if you wanted to, and the next day your ribs are sore

Remembering the refrain of a song you haven’t thought about in years.

That feeling when you’re zooming out and instead of seeing the last day, week, month, you see your whole life, and the world, and the universe, and you’re hovering above it, watching

Feeling sad and being able to cry instead of arresting & going into Numb Mode

That feeling when you realize something that was hard a year ago isn’t so hard anymore.

That feeling of knowing you are getting better, and suddenly the future opens up.

That feeling of believing you are going to be okay.

throwback thursday

Once I used a gun holster to hold my epipen and albuterol at a rave? My Near Death self makes this list.