So the day is upon us. How do you feel about Tumblr’s removal of “adult content”?

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Here’s a copypaste from another thing I wrote earlier today:

There’s a strong and dangerous Libertarian ideology that runs deep in Silicon Valley that directly and indirectly supports actions that quite tellingly never affect CIS white hetero men, but have profoundly dangerous and harmful consequences for literally every other group of people.

Through actions like Tumblr’s upcoming ban that will (through post flagging) disproportionately affect LGBTQ people, like Jack Dorsey’s refusal to address the hate and white supremacy on Twitter, like Facebook’s decision to use right-wing anti-Semitic dogwhistles to deflect attention from its systemic privacy violations, like Reddit’s embrace of right-wing and white nationalist users, it is impossible to deny that the decision makers in the board rooms at the biggest social media platforms are at the very least sympathetic to the voices and ideas of white supremacists and misogynists, and at worst in total agreement with their positions. Every choice these people make moves what should be fringe voices and ideas further and further into the mainstream, while they marginalize and punish nonviolent voices that call for justice and equality.

Social media is broken and it’s the fault of the failed leaders at the main social media platforms, who will be remembered with disdain and contempt by history.

tl;dr: I hate it.