


I had a dream last night I was in a high-rise in Chicago and any time I went to a different floor I was still on that floor but in a different year. I could only travel through time into years when the building existed, so I could go back in time about 70 years, but there were enough floors that it was taking me forever to find 2018 again. I eventually ran into some girls who recognized me as a time traveler and they told me there was a man in the building that knew about all of this and could probably direct me to the right floor but I needed to find him at a specific age so I kept running into him on different floors and different years and trying to figure out if he knew what to DO yet

i was so annoyed at one point because he was being so casual about it. sometimes he knew me and sometimes he didn’t based on what floors we’d already met on and at one point I went down a floor and it was the 80s and there was some art exhibit going on and he saw me and he had a drink and he was like “oh! you! I’m busy, meet me upstairs in a bit.”

and he said it like it was just UPSTAIRS but it was gonna be like. decades away

the building wasn’t like that for everyone. for some reason just sometimes certain people would fall into the time trap and throughout the decades different people working in the building sorta picked up on it and that’s how the girls figured me out