Auditory Processing Problems













• *someone says something* “what?” *repeats themselves* “sorry?” *repeats themselves again* “pardon?”

•"hey, y’see the red thing at the top of the shelf, will you get it?“ “Sorry, what?” “On the sh-” “oh yeah sure, I’ll get it.”

•*doesn’t hear teacher because someone’s pen is making a scratchy sound at the back of the room*

•*replays video 10 ten times to figure out what they’re saying*

•teachers asking, “why do you always stop writing in the middle of a sentence, just write down whatever I’m saying,” followed by the response, “I’m just processing it,” rebuked by, “we’ll stop processing it and just write.”

•*gets really focused on staring out the window and goes through four songs without hearing a single on*

someone is whispering to their friends in the library, you don’t even know who this person is but you know their major, what state they grew up in, and their hobbies during high school. you just wanted to find a quiet spot to do your chemistry homework.

wanting to chime in on other people’s conversations all the time, but don’t, because you’re not suppose to be “listening” to them.

being the only person in the house that can hear that awful buzzing sound certain electronics make

hiding in your room because everything is too loud. 

motorcycles were invented by satan

being told that you have dog-like hearing by friends and family

being yelled at for “not listening” by friends and family. 

God. God. God. God.

This entire post is so fucking relatable it hurts

“You just need to learn to tune it out.”

Forgetting how to think because ambient noise is drowning out your internal monologue. 

“No, I don’t need the volume up, I’d just really like to put on subtitles. No, I don’t need to move closer, I just…”

Leaving the room whenever someone starts talking on the phone. 

Pausing your video whenever someone starts talking but trying really really hard not to seem passive aggressive about it. 

Struggling to explain why this one sound is the most horrible thing in the world while other very similar sounds are fine. 

you’re trying to listen to what some very important person is trying to say, but you can only focus on the conversations of the ppl around you

sitting in a restaurant and thinking the people sitting next to you are being SO loud because you can hear everything they’re saying, but when you mention it you get weird looks so obviously you’re just overreacting.

not being able to handle the little keyboard sounds as your mom types a text from across the room, but when you ask your mom (who is a quadruple texter) to put her phone on silent you get a murderous look, like you’ve asked her to kill her cat.

turning on ambient noises and trying to relax, only to end up turning it off because it’s not actually helping you fall asleep.

“the speakers are making this high pitched noise”

“what the hell are you talking about?”


“Just ignore it, and focus on the show.”

people telling me “how the fuck can you hear the wall clock ticking but not understand a word im saying when im talking to you??” (i swear i’m not ignoring you, i just can’t process your words)

and the absolute kicker:  it took me nearly three decades of life to realise that all of the above meant I had an auditory processing disorder because, quite frankly, it isn’t discussed enough.  and by enough, i mean at all.

I… experienced way too many of these not to be stunned right now.

I…am I?…I’d answer allot of questions….shit

a few things i do that help me! may or may not be practical for you, but can’t hurt to share

  • carry earplugs everywhere. i got a bottle of like 40 pairs on amazon for $6. i have a pair in my wallet, my bags, my pocket, etc
    • they come in different degrees of softness–softer ones let you dull sharp sounds while also letting you listen to lectures/carry on conversations. 
    • heavy pairs ones can block out most sounds when you really need silence
    • don’t underestimate the usefulness of wearing just one. sometimes i’ll wear only one earplug when i’m sleeping and worried about missing my alarm
  • spend time alone in silence when you can get it. i’ve noticed my ability to function in public goes hand in hand with being able to have regular ‘recovery’ time. 
  • find a handful of songs you can listen to on repeat without really noticing. 
  • asmr videos as ambient noise. find what works for you. i like crinkling.
  • honestly, choosing the right background noise is so useful
  • along that note, cheap wireless earbuds are easy to hide in your hair/under a hoodie/scarf. i’ve worn them in class. 
  • i’m on medication for my sensory issues. certain medications commonly used to treat anxiety can also help w/ sensory processing issues! if you can, talk to your doctor.
    • i don’t hear people talking about this much, which surprises me. my medication is used ‘as needed’ and has saved me several times from public shutdowns/meltdowns. equally importantly, it’s improved my ability to function day-to-day

unrelated but hilarious: i just got a new thing of earplugs and they’re literally ‘sealed for freshness’

add your own!