Trump admin to unpaid federal workers who can’t make rent: beg, barter, and get a lawyer.


The Trump administration is advising people who work for the federal
government, who are not getting paid due to Trump’s stupid government
shutdown tantrum, to literally *barter with their landlords* and offer
to paint or do labor in exchange for partial rent.

Yes, really.

OPM is the federal agency that oversees federal workers.

Their advice for the 800,000 furloughed workers who are on day 7 with no pay: Try bartering for your rent.

The link in the tweet above provides sample letters in *.doc form
(super insecure!) that furloughed workers are advised to mail to their
landlords, if they can’t make their rent payments.

One of these sample letter templates suggests barting handyman services in exchange for rent money.

“I would like to discuss with you the possibility of trading my
services to perform maintenance (e.g. painting, carpentry work) in
exchange for partial rent payments,” the letter states.

No word on whether trading sex or other illicit services is off the table, because honestly, we all gotta sleep somewhere right?

The letter also asks landlords if they would consider reducing rent because of the government shutdown.

OPM also  tells furloughed workers to “consult with your personal
attorney” if they need legal advice when dealing with creditors.