




my favorite Millennial Thing™ is when a group of us are standing around and talking and someone asks a question that no one knows the answer to and suddenly it’s a race to get out your phone and google it and be the first to know, and then someone starts reading the Wikipedia article about the thing aloud to everyone else, and what started as a casual conversation is now A Learning Opportunity and we all walk away a little more knowledgeable about a random topic

Like, Boomers hate when we do that, but I think it’s one of the best things about us.

So long as we have internet or a cell signal, all of the world’s collective knowledge is at our fingertips, and damned if we aren’t going to use it.

My dad always get mad when I do this. He’s always like “We didn’t need to know.” That makes no sense to me. Why would that make me ignore my ability to learn something? I don’t always *need* to know but that doesn’t mean I’m going to pass up an opportunity to learn something new.

Why carry a supercomputer around in your pocket if you’re not gonna use it?

I actually think the ability to do this has made us all a little more humble in our opinions. You can’t just confidently make an argument based on incorrect facts. Wikipedia is always there to undermine you and I love that.


That explains so much about our parents generation.