Yo nerds













the campaign I’m DMing is approaching a narrative break, so i’ve decided my players are about to run into a shady lil thrift shop. What i need from y’all is a list of just some absolutely garbage cursed items. Like they do cool shit, but they also come with mildly annoying downside whenever you use them. Example: a sword that’s like hella cool and pretty dang powerful and real pretty and stuff but it also just fuckin. screams

go nuts

A ring of invisibility but when you put it on the ring turns invisible. 

A dog who talks but instead of going nuts and barking when not given attention, he won’t stop screaming your embarassing secrets at the top of his fuckin voice

A collection of the first three Dragonlance novels inexplicably there

An extremely powerful bow but it’s enchanted to yell in your ear a moment before you let go of the bowstring.

some costume fairy wings that let you fly, but only straight up and only while you are flapping your arms like a bird

A ring enabling you to speak fluent [language] but in the most un-elite, barely mutually intelligible, generally derided dialect available.

A sentient bag of holding. Anytime you want to get something back or put something in you have to convince/bribe the bag to let you.

a set of two small bells. one is a bell that, when rung, heals the whole party for 2d6 each. the other plays Vengabus at increasing volumes and causes 2d6 psychic damage to anyone within 50 feet. they are exactly identical.

A ring that lets you cast Charm person on anyone within 30 ft of you, but the ring blares “In The Hall Of The Mountain King” at an extremely loud volume, and you must roll a Charisma Check to make sure you can shout over the ring to give commands.

Boots of dashing with laces unable to be tied
Doubles your speed but you must roll percentile as there is a 50% chance of your tripping and falling on your fucking face making you prone

cloak of darkness – when you put it on, no one can see you but you’re also blinded