


Oppy came into the office while I was working, and while she has on occasion bumped into my chair and moved me a whole half inch to the left (wtf, why is it so strong), she’s always given up after a moment of realizing that headbutting the immovable object isn’t a good idea, and goes off under the guest bed in search of dust to consume. Except for right now when she apparently recognized my feet as an obstacle, but rather than go round them like she normally does, she engaged her “I’m stuck and need to hop” function, and quite literally hopped onto my foot.

If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to have an 10lb robot roll over your toes, let me tell you, not good.

So yea, note to self, keep my feet out the way and not assume her sensor will know the difference between “an obstacle I should go around” and “I bet I can climb that”.

She was trying to get on your lap!

We gave the robot too much sentient power when we gave her googly eyes. God knows what the ribbon ETD bought for her is going to do when it arrives.