



Aries rising –
colors: red, copper, brown
crystals: diamond, bloodstone, ruby,
garnet, carnelian, jasper

instinctive, quick, impulsive, impatient, reckless, don’t hold grudges,
kind-hearted, straight-forward, competitve, independent, child-like, playful,
dedicated, trend-setters

Swift walks,
head leaned forward, prone to headaches, health problems in the area of the
head (eye problems, sinus problems), beautiful smile, prominent cheekbones,
prominent eyebrows

People with Aries Rising: Rihanna, Shakira, Heath Ledger,
John Lennon, Che Guevara, James Dean

Taurus rising –
colors: green, pink
crystals: rose quartz, sapphire,
emerald, peridot, pyrite

careful, thorough, stubborn, doesn’t like change, persistent, enduring,
resistant, easygoing, accepting, stable, controlled, secure, sensual

Magnetism that
attracts people, silky hair, beautiful, graceful, charming

People with Taurus Rising: Martin Luther King, Lana Del Rey,
Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey, Rob Pattinson, David Beckham, Serena Williams

Gemini rising-
colors: purple, yellow, blue
crystals: jade, rutilated quartz,
agate, white sapphire

playful, youthful, energetic, restless, easily distracted, loves to hold a
conversation, cool, detached, curious, analyzing,

Long artistic
fingers, usually slender, they walk on their toes

People with Gemini Rising: Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Kristen
Stewart, Mick Jagger, Ashton Kutcher, Charlie Sheen, Ricky Martin, Dr. Dre

Cancer rising-
colors: white, silver
crystals: moonstone, pearl, red
jasper, abalone

caring, affectionate, moody, easily influenced, kind, gentle, trouble letting
go, emotionally intuitive, sensual

curvy, round-faced or round, big moon eyes, very pleasing to look at

People with Cancer Rising: Angelina Jolie, Albert Einstein,
Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Adele, Carla Bruni, Ben Affleck, Robert
De Niro, Tyra Banks, Richard Gere, Cher, Liv Tyler, Cindy Crawford, Gary Oldman

Leo rising-
colors: orange, yellow, red
crystals: tiger’s eye, carnelian,
garnet, ruby, onyx, golden topaz

Born for
the limelight, larger than life, optimistic, generous, warm, passionate, eager,
courageous, proud, arrogant, dramatic, leaders

Expressive eyes,
authoritative demenour, people look up to them, amazing hair

People born with Leo Rising: Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Selena
Gomez, Justin Timberlake, Al Pacino, Drake, Will Smith, Jack Nicholson, Tina

Virgo rising-
colors: green, brown
crystals: emerald, kyanite, jade,
moss agate, blue sapphire

logical, practical, grounded, thirsty for knowledge, obsessive,
detail-oriented, secretive, aloof, charming, elegant, anxious, nervous

Sharp and
bright features which gives them that glow, beautifully shaped eyes, graceful,

People born with Virgo rising: Madonna, Steve Jobs, Keanu Reeves,
Kurt Cobain, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman, Emma Watson, Jay-Z, Freddie Mercury,
Charlize Theron, Mark Zuckerberg, Paul McCartney

Libra rising-
colors: baby blue, pink, white
crystals: lapis lazuli, citrine,
labradorite, opal

communicative, indecisive, pleasant, friendly, sweet, artistic

attractive, people cant stop looking at them

People born with Libra rising: Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyonce, Britney
Spears, Jennifer Aniston, John F. Kennedy, Aishwarya Rai, Harry Styles, Jared
Leto, Ewan McGregor, John Mayer, Denzel Washington

Scorpio rising-
colors: red, black, crimson
crystals: citrine, malachite,

magnetic, mysterious, intimidating, intuitive, soulful, passionate, obsessive,
possessive, outbursts, transformation

piercing eyes, the most noticeable trait, your wisdom also attracts people

People born with Scorpio Rising: Nicole Kidman, Justin Bieber, Tom
Cruise, Natalie Portman, Prince, Grace Kelly, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams,
Charlie Chaplin, Bjork, James Franco

Sagittarius rising-
colors: purple, yellow
crystals: bronzite, citrine,
turquoise, topaz

blunt, honest, philosophical, arrogant, free-spirited, independent, enthusiastic,
progressive, spontaneous

wavy hair, impressive

People born with Sagittarius Rising: Brad Pitt, Princess Diana,
Scarlett Johansson, Elvis Presley, Eminem, Brigitte Bardot, Jennifer Lawrence,
Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brandon, Jimi Hendrix

Capricorn rising-
colors: brown, orange, black
crystals: peridot, azurite,
garnet,  black onyx

practical, sarcastic, workaholics, hard-working, driven, worrying, careful,
caring, quick intellect

Lean and
mean look, bony, noticeable cheekbones, pretty and attractive

People born with Capricorn Rising: Taylor Swift, Monica Bellucci, Megan
Fox, Cristiano Ronaldo, Zac Efron, Naomi Campbell, Sophia Loren, Lorde, Lenny

Aquarius rising-
colors: turquoise, violet, yellow
crystals: aquamarine, yellow jasper,

different, original, aloof, detached, stubborn, god complex, unique, friendly,
communicative, weird, humanitarian, dreamers

Young and

People born with Aquarius Rising: Barack Obama, Christina Aguilera,
David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Audrey Hepburn, Matt Damon, J.K. Rowling, Ian
Somerhalder, Janis Joplin, Aaliyah

Pisces rising:
colors: white, pink, cream, aqua, sea
crystals: aquamarine, chrysocolla,

dreamy, adorable, day-dreaming, intuitive, psychic, nervous, insecure,
sensitive, artistic, empathetic, compassionate, confused, unfocused, idealists

Magnetic facial
features, big fish eyes, perhaps big hands and/or feet, dreamy eyes

People born with Pisces Rising: Michael Jackson, George Clooney,
Whitney Houston, Adriana Lima, Bruno Mars, Antonio Banderas

@slavicafire I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re a Scorpio rising?

my oh my.

well, you’re not wrong.

Gemini, and honestly, how dare you come into my home and write this specifically about me this way.