









Having sensory issues is weird. Like someone rings the doorbell once and there go my evening plans

Yesterday I touched a box that felt “wrong” and I spent the rest of night trying to get that feeling off my hands.

i scraped my teeth together while eating so I didn’t finish my meal

Oh my god this is a thing??? I’ve been doing this shit all my life. I’d touch something wrong and try to touch correctly for hours afterword

The trying to get a feeling off of your hands thing happens to me ALL THE TIME

I don’t have a wrong texture, but i do have a few wrong sounds, for example when a fork scratches against a plate (nothing happens with other, similar sounds), my entire body will squirm and tense up completely involountarily when i hear that, it sucks

Sometimes I’ll be trying to sleep and I won’t because the sheets feel fucking wrong, the radio sounds fucking wrong and everything is wrong so I have to go take a shower just so everything can feel right again.

Sensory issues are weird, man.

and then it’s 2am and the bedsheets are wet. somedays you just don’t win

anyone else have to ‘balance’ how you walk,, like walking on paving and sidewalks and stuff, if you do you’ll know what i mean, like one foot feels heavier or something because you’ve stepped on too much of one type of sidewalk too much compared to the other one?

i have exactly this! i always assumed it was fairly common among people with sensory issues. anyone know if there’s a term for it?