


This is the best D&D

“I have a dexterity of bad” is my favorite

[a series of tweets from DungeonRobyn:

first: “Can one of us dress in the dead leader’s corpse?”

“What about just his clothes?”

“Yes, I suppose that would be easier.”

second: “You are fighting a wolf.”

“Just a wolf?”

“Yes. It’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing.”

third: “What did you get when you rolled your d8?”

“9. This may be the wrong die.”

fourth: “You transform from a bear back into human form.”

“But I’m an elf!”

“Then something went terribly wrong.”

fifth: “Maybe we should heal the tieflling before we loot the room.”

“He’s fine. Look at him – he’s breathing.”

sixth: “Did I hit? I rolled a two.”

“We’ll give that a soft no.”

seventh: “Are you finally doing something selfless?”

“Oh my word, no. I’m doing something violent.”

eighth: “How did you get bit by that snake?”

“I have a dexterity of bad.”]