You know what would be an amazing opening to The Falcon & The Winter Soldier? The two of them sitting in couples therapy, each end of their couch, snorting, scoffing under their breaths until the therapist speaks,
“So, James, you’re saying Samuel shot you?”
“Damn right he did,” Bucky grumbles, shooting Sam a dirty glare. Sam snorts a laugh.
“To be fair, he shot me first.. and broke the wings off my suit then proceeded to kick me off a helicarrier, and for more context, he also jumped on top of the car I was driving, ripped the steering out plunging me in to an imminent death-
“I was brainwashed-
“And I was tired and wanted to go home, your arm was a good spring board for the bullet,” Sam shrugs, the therapist taps her pen against the notepad, increasingly terrified when Bucky clenches his fist.
“Wait til the day I use your fucking face as a spring board”