I’m sure you get this question 50 million times a day, so I apologize for asking it again. Here’s hoping I might be asking something novel: Would *you* ever want a Wesley Crusher show? As an actor, creator, etc. Is it something you’d want to do? And if so, what do you think it might be like? Hope you’re having a good day!


You’re right, I am asked a version of this question all the time. But it’s okay to ask, because it’s the first time YOU have asked it!

The long version is all over various answers, blog posts, and videos from cons. The short answer is: Wesley had his time 30 years ago, and his story has been told. It’s time for new actors, new characters, and new adventures.

I’m proud of the work I did, I’m frustrated the writing wasn’t better, I’m stung and still hurt by the vitriol (even today, knowing that Wesley was beloved by an entire generation, and maligned by a small and vocal minority who never gave him a chance), and I’m so honored to know that Wesley inspired countless kids – boys and girls – to pursue careers in science and engineering. I love Wesley, I love that time in my life, and I love that I get to be part of Star Trek until the day I die.

Wesley will always be part of my life, and I will always love him like he’s one of my own kids. But even if we tried to tell one of his stories today, it wouldn’t be Wesley’s story we’d be telling. Wesley is a kid, and he’ll always be a kid. I don’t think anyone wants to see what Wesley is doing now that he’s the same age Picard was when the show started (and if they do, they can watch Doctor Who! 😉