


listen i love that good omens gave god a female voice and used they/she pronouns don’t get me wrong but that’s been DONE before. you know what they did that hasn’t been done before? they gave us UNSEXY, ROTTING, FEMALE-PRESENTING DEMONS. none of that cw sexualized femme fatale bullshit! positively ODIOUS and FESTERING beelzebub and dagon, weird mutations on their faces and flies circling their heads, sitting around in hell and looking NASTIER than hell. FINALLY SOME GOOD FUСKING CHARACTER DESIGN

#also the female presenting angels!!#like michael and uriel they weren’t sexualized either#no ‘hot chick in a suit’ bullshit #i mean#i still want them to rail me because i’m dyke but what i’m saying is#the way they presented themselves was neither heteronormative NOR appealing to the straight male gaze#which is SUCH a breath of fresh air on television these days#basically demons were like “what’s your gender” “trash” while angels were like “what’s your gender” “capitalism”#and that was very sexy of neilman #very sexy indeed 

@two-nipples-maybe-more these tags are BRILLIANT don’t hide them!!

the two genders of trash and capitalism I’m dying