



Imagine Tony writing a parenting book on “how to make sure your superhero kid lives to adulthood” but everyone thinks the “superhero” part is just like an extended joke because he’s Iron Man and it becomes a #1 seller. When he does an interview about the book they’re like “it was such a creative idea to have everything be related to superheroes” and Tony is just like “no I meant that. My kid literally is a superhero” and no one ever believes him.

Chapters include:

  • “Obtaining your superkid: if you don’t have one of your own, adopted is fine”
  • “Stitches first, panic attack second: dealing with injuries”
  • “Bonding activities for when your kid is literally climbing the walls”
  • And “So, your kid broke curfew cause they were out fighting crime”

“This is our little secret: Keeping a secret identity”

“Trust is a two-way–street: Basics of communicating with teenagers (including Vine, Snapchat and other platforms)”

“Popular culture as inspiration: Battle strategies are 90 % extempore”

“Even superheroes might get sick: Breaking down NDAs, emergency first aid and symptoms”

“Don’t do anything I’d do and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do: A collection of dad paradoxes tailored to a vigilante”