










There’s a bit in Fellowship where Bilbo mentions (in like friendly slightly cantankerous old man fashion) getting Aragorn to help him with something and this brings two things to mind:

  1. The absolutely delightful image of little old man Bilbo bossing the Rightful Heir to the Reunited Kingdom around, getting him to get stuff from high shelves for him and such
  2. The plausibility that Bilbo met little 11 year old Estel the first or second time he came to Rivendell and on that subject WHERE are the fanworks

Little 11 year old Estel insisting he be the one to show Bilbo around Imladris because there’s FINALLY someone shorter than him around and he wants to bask in the experience

oh shit yeah and I thought the elves would find it tough to take the High King of Reunited Gondor and Arnor seriously since they’ve known him since he was a brat kid but so had Bilbo

I don’t think Bilbo ever went to Minas Tirith after the war but I wish he had so that the assembled gentry of Gondor could witness the King of the Reunited Kingdom being ordered to fetch that book of poetry down from the highest shelf, there’s a good lad

Aragorn opening a state dinner with a blessing in Elvish, Bilbo interrupting to correct his pronunciation,

And the correction is dead wrong, Aragorn grew up speaking Sindarin and Bilbo learned it well into middle age, but what’s Aragorn gonna do?? Object??? Bilbo has too much stubborn old man energy

he talks to Aragorn in the same voice he uses with Hobbit children, despite Aragorn being 87 years old

Arwen is complicit in ALL of this in fact she is an active enabler

Bilbo, testily: you’re getting the vowels all wrong!

Arwen, nodding seriously: he’s right you know

ELROND: yes, can confirm

FARAMIR: (wearily, without much spirit) stop BULLYING him

Legolas alternated between losing it in the background and making comments like “oh yes Aragorn, your dialect is atrocious which is the worst for Aragorn because “you are from Mirkwood!”