





so no time to sew a new dress for Oxford Rennaissance Festival this year so i cobbled some stuff together from old dresses and a black summer dress i snagged to be used as a costume base at some point.

Come hang w me this weekend at Oxford Renn! There’s pirates n shit its dope as hell, its in Dorchester, Oxford County, Ontario 

this weekend was dope as fuck and im pretty sure i didn’t get more than one bug bite camping so im fuckn pleased.

have this pic of the full costume with all the shit added, pollen count was buckwild ergo mask and it was cold ergo cape. the whole thing together had more of a rogue/pirate aesthetic than planned, but what would yall call this aesthetic??? Roast me in the notes thanx

I don’t know it you do it by land or by sea but you def look like you steal shit

fuck yea thievery 

You look like the thief that lives in the woods that are probably enchanted but nobody knows because everyone else is too scared to willingly go in there and many, many people have gotten lost but you know the place like the back of your hand. Every once in a while someone finds your temporary camp by complete accident and you don’t steal from those people – but the rich assholes parading their way through the woods on the one reliable path are a definite target. The definite target. They don’t even see you coming, and the ambush happens before they know it, and then you’ve vanished, but nobody ever sees you running – you’re just gone. You vibe off the vibe that you know a lot about healing – maybe not as much as someone who studies healing for a living, but definitely enough to patch up wounded travelers or rescued captives.

Somehow, though even though you’re a thief living in the enchanted woods, you’re best friends with the queen, and she always greets you happily whenever you grace the castle with your presence – granted, nobody knows how you got into the castle, because the guards never got the opportunity to stop you and the servants never got to announce your presence, but you just showed up and nobody dares to try and throw you out because you and the queen have just sat down to share a bottle of fine wine

bruh this is fuckin dope as hell does anyone wanna start a webcomic on this premise