
for those of you wondering, the original version of this is by DestinyBlue, an amazing artist and one of my biggest inspirations. she’s very talented (this drawing was posted 3 years ago and she’s grown so much since then!) and also very open about her issues with mental illness. here’s the original piece, the description of which is worth reading (but very long, so I won’t copy-paste it here).

i don’t know blue personally so i don’t know her wishes regarding memes made off of her artwork (but i do feel pretty shitty that a piece so personal to her has been turned into something like this), but she included a signature in the original that has been cropped out. the signature was put there for a reason. she also says on her page that she loves to see her art shared as long as credit is given.

anyways, here’s some of her more recent work (but without the signatures removed)

so yeah please check her out- her art is gorgeous and she’s a wonderful human being who’s very open about her experiences with mental illness.

Here is the original