



If I could rise up and applaud I would. THIS! fucking THIS.

You know what bullied people do? they take it out on themselves. They go home and hang themselves, they don’t pick up a gun and think “i’ll show them!”, that’s anger, entitlement, resentment. That’s not bullying doing it, that’s being a fucking asshole.

the last shooting? He killed that girl because she fucking dumped him. How, just HOW is that not fucking entitlement right there?

“White men from prosperous families grow up with the expectation that our voices will be heard. We expect politicians and professors to listen to us and respond to our concerns. We expect public solutions to our problems. And when we’re hurting, the discrepancy between what we’ve been led to believe is our birthright and what we feel we’re receiving in terms of attention can be bewildering and infuriating. Every killer makes his pain another’s problem. But only those who’ve marinated in privilege can conclude that their private pain is the entire world’s problem with which to deal. This is why, while men of all races and classes murder their intimate partners, it is privileged young white dudes who are by far the likeliest to shoot up schools and movie theaters.” 

Why Most Mass Murderers Are Privileged White Men

I feel the need to point out that while continued portrayal and normalization of violence of media is a thing (and a thing marketed especially to men and especially to white men), I almost think that the issue is the lack of any action against initial mass shootings.

Once these same entitled men saw that shootings would achieve what they wanted to achieve in terms of making their problem the world’s problem and getting their point across with little backlash (at least compared to what the backlash should’ve been) and little prevention, mass shootings became more prevalent and preferred as a means of entitled men getting their point across.