Pro tip for adulting: being late isn’t a death sentence for 95% of things. All you gotta do is call the moment you realize you’re gonna be late, apologize, and then give another small apology when you get there. The thing people really don’t like about lateness is that it seems like the other person doesn’t value their time, and since calling shows that you value their time, that leaves only the mild inconvenience of waiting a bit for them to deal with
this is 100% true. Calling ahead to let them know you’ll be late is 100000x better than just showing up late without any notice. Everyone has been late before so most of the time they’ll understand being late. Just don’t make a habit of it
This isn’t just for jobs, etc. Do this when you’re meeting with friends and family, too.
It’s about respect. Calling demonstrates it. It goes a long, long way, at least if it’s a once-in-a-while thing …