


slavic forests are actually located in another dimension

if you’ve ever been in one of the great forests in a slavic country
you’ll know that there’s a point where the trees grow so densely packed
that the air is completely still and it’s so silent you could hear a pin
drop a mile away and you suddenly become uncomfortably aware of the
sound of your own heartbeat and the knowledge that the trees surrounding
you are alive and just as aware of your presence as you are of theirs,
and that’s when you know you’ve crossed into a different realm

there’s that moment when you actually feel how your ancestors used to worship old gods there and treat nature as part of their spiritual world and you’ll know that those old trees have seen empires rise and all, they’ve seen people forget the power in nature and yet they stand there, proud and old, with history etched into their bark, roots back in the times where there used to be prayers sang in the forests