



if nothing else i’m glad that the tv adaption brought about the mass headcanon that crowley is raphael and thus is a fallen archangel because that’s SO fucking galaxy brained i don’t know what to do with myself

like THIS is why you welcome new fans with open arms because for thirty years we were making up random angel names for crowley before the fall and then one new tv fan was like ‘what if he was raphael patron saint of healing’ and like their MIND their FUCKING MIND

I liked the one where he was called Anthony and didn’t realise that he’d picked the same name again, but yes! The Patron Saint of Healing has to look at the suffering of children and innocents and question why. Thereby, falling… 😢😭😭

oh my god oh my fucking god he questioned suffering he questioned suffering and was cast out because god is not always merciful this is LITERALLY what i’m talking about i am going to SCREAM