I have a chunk of raw quartz I found on a beach which is about the size of a small fist, and I don’t know what to do with it? I’m thinking of splitting it into pieces and putting them through a rock tumbler but after that, I have no clue ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It’s been sitting on a shelf for like 2 years. Any ideas?


I dunno. I like the ‘put it through rock tumbler’ idea, but after that…well, I just sorta go by whim after that. Like ‘Aw shit this one would make a cool necklace’ or ‘hey these two are the same size! Earrings!’ or even just ‘SHINY ROCK NICE WILL PUT IN BOWL OF SHINY ROCKS AND PAW OVER THEM WITH GLEE LIKE A DRAGON’