

you know the other thing that I really enjoy about Good Omens? Despite being messy af and bad at talking about their feelings and using their words, Crowley and Aziraphale are just likeā€¦ actual grown-ups. Like, their defining character traits are that that they would risk literally everything to avoid a change in their daily routine. They literally defy Heaven and face down Satan to stop the Apocalypse because after a long day they just want to unwind at home with their significant other and a nice glass of red. Like they are SO decidedly middle-aged that actual paradise to these two immortal beings of immense otherworldly power is an early dinner out with your sweetie at your favorite restaurant and then going DIRECTLY home to open a bottle of wine and throw on your favorite album. and honestly, hard same?

Hard, hard same. The same is like granite. The same is like diamonds. The same is an 11 on the Mohs scale