


The other day @vampireapologist made a post about always being extremely noticeable no matter what she does. People will turn to look at her when she enters a room and pick out her voice from a crowd.

I have the exact opposite issue. I once wandered out of school with two classmates to explore the abandoned building across the parking lot. We got caught, and they were given detention and yelled at, with calls home to their parents. I stood directly between them but wasn’t even acknowledged, let alone punished – the other teenagers trudged back to school with their heads hung low, and I merely wandered back to my classroom and sat down. My absence did not seem to have been noticed.

Just this morning I got up, came downstairs, walked in front of my dad, and kissed my mother on my forehead. She did not react. Two minutes later I heard them talking about how someone should wake me up so that I could enjoy the morning instead of sleeping in. Neither had any memory of seeing me or being kissed by me.

Is this an actual thing that happened to you, or a short horror story about how you went exploring an abandoned building with your friends, died, and lived your life as a ghost, unaware you were dead?

Actual story, but I did make a bunch of jokes about being invisible for a while.

I think I’ve just got an unusually high natural stealth score because I did pass as a cis man for six months in a foreign country, even when sharing a twin bed with a classmate, before taking any kind of hormonal treatment. And at my current workplace, I get mistaken for a statue almost every day.
