
Once there was a man who hated the world, and sought to withdraw from it. And being gifted in sculpture, he carved a woman from a block of marble. And on the morning after his work was complete, the gods, being merciful, awoke her…

…and the sculptor, being pleased with his handiwork, kept her close and loved her well all of her days.

…and the sculptor, being pleased with his handiwork, sought to keep her close and love her well. But as she was his creation, she could not love him; for we do not love those who have ever held us in their power. And thus, in time, she departed from his side.

…and the sculptor, being pleased with his handiwork, sought to keep her close and love her well. But as she was his creation, he could not love her, for we do not love that which is only an extension of ourselves. And thus, in time, she departed from his side.

…and the sculptor, though pleased with his handiwork, found that he could not love her, for we do not love that which we have once compelled. But nevertheless she loved him dearly, and remained ever by his side and served him well, and perhaps there was some grace in that.

…and the sculptor, being pleased with his handiwork, sought to keep her close and love her well. But there are flaws in the earth and sky, and flaws in the gods’ wisdom and in mortal hearts, and as all the world knows, there are ever flaws in stone.

…and the sculptor, being pleased with his handiwork, offered her a chisel, for he greatly desired to know what she would make.