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I disagree with this whole heartedly, they would realize you weren’t a member of their family fairly quick since they keep Immaculate track of their family trees. The important thing, the really important thing, is that they wouldn’t care. Especially if you’re acting like they are family to you, they’re just going to assume that you’re someone who needs a family and needs friends and happily provide one to you without question. Especially if you’re someone, and given that you’re sharing their clothes this is pretty likely, with similar tastes to them. Eventually they will call you part of the family but it won’t be because they don’t realize you aren’t, it will be because they’ve decided to make you one.

i’d also like to add a little tidbit here as well. the Addam’s family don’t even care if you are like them or not. in the first movie, they had basically semi-adopted their finical guy in Gomez’s strange little way of sword fighting with him. and in the second movie, Debby was nothing like them at all (in appearances and when she was acting, i mean)

they make it some kind of habit of taking in the outcasts, the weirdos, the freaks and psychos sure, but they are just generally good people as well. they may not understand you if you like pastels and fluffy unicorns and pop music, but they’ll still respect it’s your choice. heck, when their youngest Addam’s turned into well… a ‘normal’ child

they adapted! they changed to suite the baby’s needs, even as drastically strange from their own life as it was.

so in short, yes, you could absolutely be adopted into this family of absolute weirdos by either being an absolute weirdo, being ‘normal’, or what ever! they’re pretty radical

I’m reasonably sure if I showed up at Gomez and Morticia’s and said “I disowned most of my family for being abusive fuckheads and I really just need someone to talk to” I would very shortly have a room, a spot in the family cemetery, and no more student loans.

We don’t deserve the Addams family