

“Hey Goediun, did you finish- ah hell, not MORE earth wildlife.”

“This planet’s completely fucked up Clyod.”

“What the fuck are THOSE?” Guenoid demanded, peering over his co-worker’s mass to squint at the pojection.

“Third-most dominant carnivore on the planet.”

“Yeah but what’s the little thing next to it?”

“Same species.”

“You’re emusifying me.”

“Absoultely not.  This thing’s got the genetics from hell.  Apparently they just have hundreds if not thousands of copies of any gene they might need and can suffer drastic radiation, inbreeding or rapid enviornmental selection and come out mostly functional organisms.  Both of these are actually pretty far from the species average- here, this is a more common specimen.”

“Oh that’s not so bad-”

“Remember how the Humans are Pursuit predators?”

“Oh no.  Don’t tell me it can do that endless “Fun Run” Human-Steve did last year for the Beeblebrox Children’s Hospital?”

“It can!”  Goeduin writhed gleefully at his partner’s discomfort. “They can do continuous runs for hundreds of miles through the polar regions of the planet, and at tremendous speed!  Some of them have a sustainable gallop of over 50 miles per hour!”

“What’s that in civilized Units?”

“uuuuhhh… 210?”

“FUCK.” shouted Clyod, collapsing back into the sleeping tank, though he suspected that there would be no rest for him this cycle as images of the wretched earth creature pursuing him flashed through his ganglian network.

“They’ve got a bite strength that can snap through our building materials and even human bone!” Goeduin continued, vibrating with the kind of wild humor that belied genuine terror.  “Thier senses are even more accute than Human-Steve’s!  It’s got his entire hearing range and then up into our ‘hypersonic’ vocal range!”

“Great, it can tear me apart after hearing me talk smack. Terrific.”  Clyod sighed, dedicating himself to another round of nightmares.

“And it’s Chemosensitivity! They can track prey by the oils left from the prey’s footsteps for MILES!  they can even track scents through the air and underwater or buried in in six feet of ‘concrete’!”

“Good grief.  With compettion like that, it’s no wonder the humans are so barbaric.  Please tell me it’s stupid.”

“They’re comparable to juvenile humans in terms of reasonaing capacity and may be more socially intelligent than adult humans, living in communal groups that can have DOZENS of members.  Also they hunt in packs.”

“WHY??” Clyod begged “Why do you even subject yourself, and furthermore, why subject ME to this kind of knowledge?  I won’t be able to rechage and be all gross and floppy in the morning.”

“Human-Steve is getting one.”


“Humans keep them as domestic companions.  Apparently they’re socially intelligent enough to get humans to raise and feed thier young for life.”

“and.  Human-Steve.  Is taking on one of these?  He’s not worried about it eating him?”

“He said it might nibble on his appendages while it’s teething but that the one his parents kept when he was an infant-”


“He showed me many images of them playing and cuddling together.  They are quite fond of human children, and not just as snacks.”

“Please tell me he’s getting the little kind.”

“He’s getting a variety called a “Siberian Husky”.  He said it was very fluffy.”

Oh Human Steve and his weird antics…