


the airport is a muddy, magical land of extreme regulations alongside extreme social lawlessness. I hate going there but am captivated every time.

people gather at charging ports like wary creatures around a watering hole. some sorry soul is crouched defeated against a wall, tired eyes shielded by a hoodie. there is a bird loose

  • There is no plane on the tarmac, but it is almost time to board. You check the announcement board. Your flight is on time. You look back at the tarmac. The previous plane never left. Your flight has been delayed.
  • Your terminal is on the other side of the airport, and the hallways stretch on and on. You pass the same mural and a Starbucks three times. You cannot find your terminal. You check your boarding pass, and then look at the map. Your terminal is on the other side of the airport.
  • A child runs around the waiting area. No one is watching them. No one speaks to them. You think you have seen this child before. You leave to buy a bottle of water. The child is gone when you return. There was never a child there.
  • You step through the metal detector. It beeps. You step back, and the TSA agent gestures impatiently. You step through again. It beeps. You step back, and the TSA agent gestures impatiently. You step through.
  • The halls rumble with the sound of a hundred rolling suitcases. You only see three, and their owners stare off into the middle distance. They keep walking. Their terminal is on the other side of the airport.
  • The moving walkways are lined with children waiting for their parents. They huddle together and play small, mobile games. They are waiting for their parents. The stores are empty.
  • There is a bird hopping around the waiting area. No one acknowledges it. You do not look at it. It hops closer. It is watching you.
  • You wait for your bag to come out of security, but it never does. There is something in your bag. You wait for someone to speak to you, but they only murmur over the scan. There is something in your bag.
  • You are looking for food. You pass three bars and a gift store, but cannot find any food. Eventually, you look at a map. Your terminal is on the other side of the airport. You still cannot find food.
  • They call for your flight to board. You get up, but they did not call for your seating group. You sit back down. They do not call for your seating group. Your flight has been delayed.

Airport Gothic