




trump’s 1 year anniversary of being president is starting off with the government shutting down that’s the perfect representation of how american politics has been going for the past year

The government got shut down when Obama was president as well.

It’s not new.

Stop blowing it out of proportion.

It’s not a rare occurrence.

When the government shutdown under the Obama administration it was a divided government. Which made more sense because under a divided government it’s harder to compromise.

Here we are, 2018, and the Republicans control ALL branches of the government. They still failed to compromise and negotiate.

This is the first time the government shutdown under a one-party government. Ever.

This is most definitely a rare occurrence. Very rare.

Here we are, once again. Not even a full 12 months later, and yet another Republican shutdown.


This is actually the third government shut-down this year. The third. There was the first in January, an additional one in February, and now we’re rounding out the year with a third shut-down. There was only one during the entire eight years Obama was President. There have only been nine total shut-downs in the entire history of America. Trump is responsible for a third of all government shut-downs and this has all happened in one year and it is only his second year in office. Is that alarming? That should be really fucking alarming.