#1yrago Those “heroic rogue GOP senators” just helped Trump shield Equifax and Wells Fargo from lawsuits


Senators Bob Corker, Jeff Flake and John McCain talk a big game about
not letting the GOP be the handmaiden of trumpist corruption, but when
the chips were down last night, they voted with their party and a
tie-breaking vote from Vice President Handmaid’s Tale to pass
legislation that lets financial institutions take away your right to sue
them when they defraud you.

The legislation, which passed last night, nullifies the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s rule that bans “binding arbitration” clauses from financial terms of service. These clauses force the public into a tilted, parallel justice system where the deck is stacked against them.

In particular, these clauses ban the kinds of class-action suits that
make it worth top lawyers’ time to sue deep-pocketed, well-represented
blue-chip firms that commit petty thefts against millions of people, no
one of whom is worth representing.

With the CFPB rule dead, Equifax, Wells Fargo, and other mass-scale crooks can rip off the public with total impunity.


Another reminder to vote this November.