Call of Cthulhu campaign: Pub Adventures



Two of our party have been kidnapped by the Wizard Beast aka Death Hobo and taken to a pub in Vauxhall. The Death Hobo is picking up the tab with a pile of credit cards.

Harry: I want more shots.

DM: the Wizard Beast pulls out another credit card and hands it to you. “Sure! Here you go!”

Aislinn: can I ask where you got those from?

DM as the Wizard Beast: oh! From lots of people!

Aislinn:…did any of them die?

DM: some of them, yes! *Insane evil giggle*

Aislinn:…okay, yep, nope, I’m done with that conversation.

Harry: Can I get another bottle of wine?

Summary: our DM plays an insane murder hobo very convincingly and entirely too enthusiastically, and my party member is apparently determined to be as pissed as possible.