
also think about crowley saving aziraphale throughout history and it’s just a thing that aziraphale allows to happen repeatedly and and crowley’s role on earth really runs a lot more toward the angel-saving business with a side of wiling than the other way around, except that when it really matters, the time it really matters, the end of the world, aziraphale won’t let him. aziraphale rejects him. crowley is begging aziraphale to let him save him and aziraphale says no, and crowley goes back again to beg again and aziraphale says no, and then crowley goes back a third time, full up with desperation because hell is here they are already here we have to go now, he gets to the bookshop to beg with aziraphale a third time, and the bookshop is on fire. aziraphale is gone. 

it’s not just that somebody killed his best friend. it’s that for the first time ever, crowley didn’t save aziraphale. it’s that hell came for them–crowley doesn’t know that heaven came too. crowley thinks aziraphale was killed by hell because of who and what crowley is, right after aziraphale forgives him for that. right after aziraphale refuses to let crowley save him from that. 

in that moment, somebody didn’t kill crowley’s best friend. crowley did. 


to the new good omens fans who didn’t read the book

Thats’ ok!!!!! that’s perfectly ok, you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to!!

if it’s because you don’t really like reading, there’s a radio play you can check out, but otherwise the miniseries was absolutely spectacular and there’s Nothing bad with making it the only good omens content you will ever consume. you’re not a fake fan or anything and you’re a treasured member of the fandom either way.

having said that, here’s the original drunk conversation in the back of the bookshop (which was likely shortened to fit the BBC’s strict “No Over 60m Episodes” rule) because it’s a literally life-changing experience

cooking show idea where the chefs (all 3 star chefs and up) have to cook for you. first part of the show the audience is shown how they struggle to come up with recipes that you are safe to eat. then the cookig process is shown with cuts to you commenting how theyre failing at preparing for you edible ingredients in a for you edible way. youre ofc the judge (and maybe two other star cooks) and you kick out all inedible ones, and the one or two left are then judged according to typical criteria.


  • i forgot to mention that the winning dish is simply a grape on a plate

@ netflix fund this. Immediately.


you’ve heard of listening to the same song on repeat until you’ve extracted every drop of serotonin from it, now get ready for:

– wearing that outfit/item of clothing you love to every social engagement you attend until either it needs a wash or you’re forced to change it so that people don’t think it’s the only thing you own

– watching the same film or episode of a show you like like until there’s no point in watching it again because you can vividly recall every scene in your head

– eating your favorite food until you’re so used to it that it’s tasteless and nauseating

– reading the same book until you can recite every line word for word from memory

-repeating the same word/phrase in response to everything until it stops being funny and starts getting annoying
