The Trump family’s holidays and business trips have used up the entire Secret Service budget



By the end of the year, Trump and his family will have spent more of the Secret Service’s budget than the Obama administration spent in eight years – enough to exhaust the Secret Service’s entire budget for the year and drive 500 Secret Security agents to quit their jobs in disgust.

The SS is hoping Congress will appropriate the funds to hire 800 more agents to make up for the president’s golf schedule and family holidays.




So I’ve been trying to complete this one module, and at the beginning theres this town with a tavern. Ive done the beginning with the same dm around three times already, because of various reasons I never gotten far enough to beat the thing because everyone is killed or there isn’t enough of the original players. Every time i started it anew, I made it a joke that every time I go to the tavern I immediately get their best drink. After the first time, my character got stronger feelings of dejavú.
This is what happened the fourth time after we got to the tavern.

Me: I slam my hand down to order their BEST DRINK, but half way, Bronzehart remembers what happened in the past events. He sees Goldhart, the sorcerer, doing the exact same thing, and what terrible things he did in the dungeon.
He sees Silverhart, the Bard, doing the same, and the horrible way he died. He saw Greyhart, the Paladin, and how his faith was lost before he died. He sees himself doing the exact action they took, and looks at his hands in a feeling of helplessness.

Dm: the bartender looks at the cleric and poured his BEST DRINK for the man. He says “You look like you need a drink.”

It’s okay for Arkansas to block Medicaid funds going to Planned Parenthood, U.S. appeals court rules



Today, a U.S. appeals court reversed a previous ruling that barred the state of Arkansas from halting Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood, after the release of setup videos secretly recorded by anti-abortion, hard-right media provocateurs.

Raegan McDonald-Mosley, the chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood of America, said in a statement the fight to preserve a woman’s right to choose “is not over.”

“We will do everything in our power to protect our patients’ access to birth control cancer screenings, and other lifesaving care,” said McDonald-Mosley.