GOP abandons vote on health care repeal after CBO predicts 22 million would lose insurance



The Trump administration is failing to pull off its latest efforts to ‘repeal and replace Obamacare’ with a draconian plan that would leave 22 million or more without health coverage.

After a growing number of Republican senators voiced opposition to the GOP plan, Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) today said he’d delay the vote on legislation until after lawmakers return from the July 4th recess.

“We will not be on the bill this week, but we will still be working to get at least 50 people in a comfortable place,” McConnell today said.

It’s a big setback for Trump. It’s fantastic news for every American who may need health care now, or in the future, or may have a child or parent who does. The fight isn’t over, but these monsters aren’t winning just yet.

When Math was actually useful for once



Context: Playing Lost Mines of Phandelven with a group of friends online. We were about to get fireballed

Langlock: I cast counterspell

DM: Well, it won’t work because you only have a sixty foot range. This guy is fifty feet away and thirty feet up.

Me: Wait, hold on, hold on. Gotta check something real quick, what is 50 squared plus 30 squared!?

*Cue the party quickly using Pythagorean theorum in order to prove that he is within range*

Considious: 58.309! He is within range

DM, clearly defeated: Alright, well. You cast counterspell and stop what you recognize as a fireball

*Cue everyone making sighs of relief and surprise*

Me: Langlock is the MVP

Considious: Phew, we dodged a TPK

Me (Red Dragonborn Paladin) Well, you all might have died. I would have been fine.

Tumblr is now owned by a phone company, so it’s stopped fighting for Network Neutrality



Yahoo’s sale to Verizon means that Yahoo’s sub-companies – Flickr, Tumblr and a host of others – are now divisions of a phone company, and as you might expect, being on the payroll of a notorious neutracidal maniac with a long history of sleazy, invasive, privacy-destroying, monopolistic, deceptive, anti-competitive, scumbag shakedowns has changed the public positions these companies are allowed to take.

This matters a lot. The previous fights for net neutrality were won in part with the support of scrappy online companies like Tumblr, whose CEO, staff and users worked together to send a strong message to Congress and the FCC about the importance of a neutral internet, free from ISPs who slow down your connections to services unless they pay bribes for “premium” carriage.

With Trump’s FCC set to slay Net Neutality, the internet is once again planning a day of coordinated action: on July 12, sites across the net will send their users to the FCC and Congress to demand that ISPs be held to a public service standard befitting the trillions of dollars in public subsidies they receive every year in the form of access to rights of way through our cities and between them.

However, Tumblr is not among the companies presently slated to participate, and sources within the company told The Verge that the company and its CEO, David Karp (once a staunch Net Neutrality campaigner) have been given orders to sit this one out.


I just want to remind everyone that homosexuality and any non-straight sexuality is not an adult theme or ‘pornographic’ in any way. 

Two girls holding hands or two boys having a crush is not an adult theme. It is as innocent as a crush between a boy and a girl and should be presented as such

If it is acceptable and viewed as adorable for a 15 year old boy to have a crush on a 15 year old girl then it is equally as acceptable and cute for a boy to crush on a boy. Just because it is the same gender does not make it ‘adult’ or ‘unfit for kids to see’

Please stop sexualizing same sex relationships and remember that it is innocent and gentle affection just like any relationship. 



I know that I’m just one of the millions of people who will lose their health care if the ACA is repealed and this becomes law, and I don’t have that many followers on tumblr and I’m not “important” in fandom. But I am a human being, and the ACA is all that stands between me and suicide.

The anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications I take are literally (and I am using this word correctly) keeping me alive at this point in my life. If Trumpcare goes through, it will mean my death, unless I can find a way to come up with $2250 a month to pay for my medications, because with Trump’s health care plan, even if I were able to get a full-time job with a health insurance package, my employer’s insurance could deny me benefits due to my pre-existing conditions. 

I’ve been around a long time, and I’ve tried pretty much all of the meds (and combos) available for my illnesses, back when I had a job with insurance. Now I pay into the Marketplace and get my insurance there, and I’m finally at a steady place w/r/t my disease. I’m not going to go all caps-lock and bold and whatever, but “death” is the outcome if I lose my ACA coverage.

I hope you are all calling your senators. I have been. 

My GOP Senator is one of the ones on the fence. He hears from me a lot.

But no matter who your Senator is, GOP or Dem, let them hear from you. A LOT.










Who never thought about this?

This bothers me

it’s a gas?

fire cannot have a shadow because it is a source of light jesus christ i hate this website

This is the same website that believed you could have unlimited chocolate if you cut it the right way.

These people are our future

Okay so I really really want to know how you trumpet fellating douchefucks managed to spring fully formed into the world, knowing every single little thing that has ever existed ever?

Because shit, that would be some groundbreaking scientific and theological wetdream.

OP is basically going “wow, this is a cool thing. Who else never really considered why this cool science thing does this cool science thing” and eventually some assholes turn up and go; ” i hate this website”, to “THESE people are our future”?

What the frickity frick you fun sucking vampiric pisslords.

Shit son, you are literally the perfect example of why kids go “science is hard and boring”. Because instead of going “Heck yeah! This weird thing happens because gases! Because flames! Because light! Because the world is weird and fun and dude if you think this thing this is cool check out this and this and this!” 

Because instead of going “Yeah, not everyone knows as much as science about me. Everyone has to learn things somewhere; come on friend have I got so much to show you.”

You went; “I’m self absorbed as heckle and I think that everyone MUST  know or they’re just silly ignorant peasants aha lol im smart. Screw this website and the kids on it.”

I could go on all day, but you know what friend? We all have to start somewhere, because education in a single county district can be as unequal and bollocked up as heck, let alone between countries, between ages, between classes, between days and I have so much to show you.

Let’s start here;

Good luck.

i’ve never seen this version yelling at the science hipsters before, good addition

Fuck gatekeepers.