10 MB hard disk from the 1960’s :O
‘Mother Of All Landslides’ In Big Sur Buries Section Of California’s Highway 1
She is giving us a LOOK
is this princess leia?
Help me obi frog you’re my only hope
“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”
Happy Birthday, Bob Dylan! (May 24, 1941)
So, you see, by sleeping until 11 this morning and shortening my day significantly, I was just setting myself up for success.
Be careful — hackers are hiding viruses in online movie subtitles
- Security research firm Check Point
revealed a new exploit on Tuesday that affects several media players.- The vulnerability allows a hacker to infect your device and gain full
control through through subtitles.- The exploit, which puts 200 million
users at risk, impacts video players and streamers like Popcorn Time,
Kodi, Stremio and VLC.- Here’s how it works: malformed subtitle files allow hackers to embed code into the subtitle files in popular pirated movies
and TV shows.- Subtitles are a non-suspecting source for hacks. When a
user utilizes them, the malware is dumped on their desktop and the
attacker is notified.- Once they have control over a device — PC, smart
TV or smartphone — the hacker can do whatever they want, from stealing
information to installing ransomware. Read more (5/25/17)follow @the-future-now
i legitimately cannot stop laughing
All I can think of is that fucking THX intro that made us all deaf
(Source: http://eternal-nova.tumblr.com/)