





Pixels is probably gonna make it’s money back, which is honestly the worst thing ever

Tell everyone about your Adam Sandler racketeering theory

That’s not a theory, that is absolutely what he is fucking doing

Okay Dean, I need you tell me about your Adam Sandler racketeering theory.

Okay so Sandler movies get lots of viewers (for some reason) right so he can go to a big fucking studio like Sony Pictures (Pixels) and say “yo gimme $88 million dollars to make a movie” and since thats always worked before and his films have always made a return no matter how fucking awful they are (Mall Cop 2 made over 3x budget, Zohan made over 2x, Jack & Jill just barely missed out on 2x budget) they say “yeah go on then”

So now Sandler has $80 million to make a film with, and a bunch of friends who need paychecks to live on, right? So he just pays them for whatever half-assed performance they give (Kevin James, David Spade, Rob Schneider, etc) and they make a fucking movie. and its awful, but get this right

Product placement. In Gilmore, Happy gets sponsored by Subway to play golf, and in Jack & Jill, the plot of the movie basically revolves around advertising, specifically for Dunkin Donuts. You’ve got Gatorade in Waterboy, McDonalds and Hooters in Big Daddy, Popeyes Chicken in Little Nicky, Wendys in Mr Deeds, Bed Bath & Beyond in Click, MySpace in Funny People, KFC in Grown Ups (Kevin James is a fat man), and a bottle or can of Budweiser is in nearly every scene of That’s My Boy,

So basically, Sandler gets paid ridiculous amounts of money to make a film, gets paid even more money for product placement, then just pays his friends, and throws together an absolutely god awful film. And apparently because “Happy Gilmore/Billy Madison was funny!” (hint: they weren’t), people still go see his films twenty years later. And since he’s part producer on some of these films, he makes even more when stupid people go to see his films!

You know, it’s absolutely amazing. Under the right circumstances, a filmmaker could make more money with a flop then he could with a hit!

The abysmal information security at Trump properties has probably already compromised US secrets



Propublica and Gizmodo sent a penetration-testing team to Mar-a-Lago, the Trump resort that has been at the center of series of controversial potential breaches of US military secrecy (for example, loudly discussing sensitive information about the North Korean missile launch in the club’s full, public dining room); they discovered that it would be child’s play to hack the Mar-a-Lago networks, and that indeed, the networks have almost certainly already been hacked.

The team found multiple unsecured wireless networks, unsecured and open wireless printers, misconfigured routers, an unsecured website from which they could “download a database that appears to include sensitive information on the club’s members and their families” and more.

They also inspected other Trump properties in which the president has conducted sensitive, highly secret government business, and found more open wifi networks from which they could access internal networks that relied on a 13-year-old software tool to protect it.

American presidents usually holiday at Camp David, a property secured by the US military with resources drawn from a $64m annual technology maintenance budget and a $2m budget earmarked for “defense solutions, personnel, techniques, and best practices to defend, detect, and mitigate cyber-based threats” (these budgets also cover the White House’s information security).

By contrast, Mar-A-Lago budgets $442,931 for security. Last year, the Trump Organization paid $50,000 “to settle charges brought by the New York attorney general that it had not properly disclosed the loss of more than 70,000 credit card numbers and 302 Social Security numbers” that were leaked “due to poor security.”

A Trump Organization spokesperson says that Mar-a-Lago follows “cybersecurity best practices.”







Reenactor throws a spear at a drone

What a time to be alive.

“The medieval warrior, realizing the consequences of his impulsive act, immediately approached the owner of the drone and offered to pay for the damage.

The owner of the drone was so impressed by the brilliant attack that he suggested organizing a competition for bringing down “dragons” with short spears next year.

Drone owners have another year to develop a unique “dragon-like” design for their flying machines.” (x)

I am 100% cooler with this knowing that the spear-thrower realized “oops maybe I shouldn’t have done that” and tried to make it right, and that the guy who the drone belonged to was cool with it

just so everyone knows, this has already been memorialized in a runestone

Everything about this post blesses those involved with a +4 on their next Today is Good Day roll







Today I was teaching my campers how to start a fire with flint and steel. As they grew increasingly frustrated, I mentioned that in a real survival scenario, they might use other tools and flammable materials at their dispense, like a camera lens or isopropyl alcohol.

I turned around to help two kids arrange their tinder. “Hey Ship, watch this!” called a voice. I looked over my shoulder to witness my favorite student create a fucking flamethrower by igniting aerosol sunscreen. 

When the screams of surprise stopped, I said, “Good job. Very resourceful. Now please don’t do that again.” 

I love this, no degrading, no punishment just, you did good don’t burn us.

he solved my fire puzzle, just… not in a way I ever want to see a child under my care do again

That sounds seriously like a TAZ thing –
“You solved my fire puzzle. Please don’t do it like that ever again.”

I feel like being a camp counseler is just being a dm, all the time, for really ridiculous players, and everything is real

my god that is EXACTLY what it’s like

GOP leader in 2016 said ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump



A month before Donald Trump became the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, his ally House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said privately among GOP peers on Capitol Hill that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin makes payments to Trump.

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording verified and reported by The Washington Post.

Shortly after the story broke tonight, McCarthy took to Twitter to deny.