Tag: allergies







“Omg look at this fucking shit, gluten free mascara, ahaha, people need to be fucking stopped.”

Yes, I’m sure the person with a wheat allergy wanting to avoid putting wheat containing things near their eyeballs is truly the reason society is failing.

Also if anyone does actually need gluten free mascara, Zuzu Luxe is one of the best I’ve been able to find. Hardly clumps and doesn’t flake off like a lot of the others. Their other products can be a little hit or miss texture wise, but the mascara is great.

I once saw a person point out that common allergens are in so many things, and it even has to do with “this facility uses it in another product but it’s still the same facility” and I stopped laughing. And then I felt bad. I was ignorant, but I didn’t think about like. My corn tortillas better not have gluten! They’re corn! And then I realized….same facility. Airborne particulates. Someone working on one line, accidentally dropping particulates in another line just by walking past.

Cause there are people who are *that* sensitive. And they deserve to be protected and have safe products.

I specifically do not take issue with people just not knowing things. Cause why the heck would anyone know things like that unless they ever had to? Why would you know wheat is a common ingredient in things like mascara or shampoo? I sure as shit didn’t till I started to piece together why my body went into meltdown every time I washed my hair.

What does get to me is how inherently shitty some people are about it. Like why is the first go to for things like this mockery? Why? I mean I know the answer is “society is inherently abelist even if people don’t realize they are doing it” but I’m still allowed to be frustrated by it. (It’s the same with infomercials. Those products are not lazy or worthless, they are designed for people with disabilities!)

And I know this seems like such an over reaction to something like someone in Walgreens being shitty over gluten free mascara haha. But it’s so much more than that.
So much of my daily life is emotional and mental labor just trying to spoon feed people how not to be unthinkingly mean all the time. And
it’s not like I can ever stop because this is my life. I am living in a
world not designed or meant to include me, so constant emotional and
mental labor is required to justify both myself and the things that make
my life easier.

And I wish people would just think with a little more kindness sometimes. That’s all.

Also people have a weird desire to catch you “lying” about an allergy? There’s a preservative used in a lot of artificial caramels that I’m allergic to, and my aunt used to get so mad because she was convinced my mom was lying about it. Once when I was a toddler she offered me a bowl of ice cream with this really smug look on her face while I ate it—a look that quickly died once I started projectile vomiting all over her brand new couch. Yup she hid the caramel in the ice cream.

Feeling miserably sick for a while aside, the look on my aunt’s face at the state of her couch was rewarding




Wanna know something wild? The chiro managed to adjust my neck today and I have somewhat more mobility than I’ve had for some years, (hurts like a bitch but that’s nothing new) and one thing I can now do is tilt my head all the way back on my shoulders.

And do you know what that motion does? It triggers tooth pain, for a tooth that no longer exists.

Aren’t bodies fucking weird?

Bodies are SO FUCKING WEIRD. SO, September 21st I had a large amount of dental work done at once—the whole left half of my face. Two wisdom teeth extractions and some fillings, two of them fairly large.

For over a MONTH I have been dealing with pain that comes-and-goes, I kept going back to the dentist to try to figure out the source of my pain. Everything was normal. They smoothed out the biting surface of one tooth’s filling thinking it was causing the pain, and while it made the pain less awful, weeks later? Still hurts!

Was getting bad ear aches so I visited a clinic, diagnosed with allergies and started taking medicine for them, that stopped most of the ear pain, yay, but the teeth still hurt very annoyingly. Ibuprofen could control the pain but I couldn’t figure out why my pain was worst at night in bed and at the office at my desk.

I finally put two and two together last night when I got cold and turned off the fan in my bedroom and turned the temperature up… and my tooth ache stopped in a few minutes. So, at work, I got one of the office space heaters, aimed it at the area in front of my face, and was basically pain free all day, breathing in warmed air.

So, my CURRENT leading theory is that it’s my sinuses, and breathing in cold air is triggering tooth aches, and warm air is countering them.

wtf body

This never happened to me until I got my teeth fixed. I hope the other half of my face doesn’t follow suit when I get the work done for that half.

I too deal with the temperature sensitive sinuses, plus I get the phantom tooth pain/sensation in a tooth that I have never had.

This tooth just never formed, and now I have a bridge to keep the other teeth in place.







We’re literally doomed

At least I now have confirmation that allergies really *are* getting worse and I’m not just getting more whiny over time lol


Siri, where does one acquire a hazmat suit…

A mask might help. Like, maybe one for woodworking? They have replaceable filters, and help with other types of scents and stuff?

I have a high end mask which I use for medium pollen days and still wheeze like a chain smoking locomotive, even with my meds. I’m straight up considering an air bubble tent at this point.